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The Ginger Harris Young Endowed Scholarship

Raised toward our $30,000 Goal
112 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 21, at 08:38 AM CDT
Project Owners

The Ginger Harris Young Endowed Scholarship

Ginger Harris Young dedicated her life to teaching young people. Not only was she an effective teacher in the classroom, but a successful administrator as well. Ginger may never have known the far-reaching impact of her influence. She is responsible for motivating several of her students to pursue a career in education, including her own daughter, Leah Young Gott.

Gingers peers were also blessed to learn from her and witnessed her professionalism blended with true compassion for her students.

One of her co-workers at FHU said, " Ginger taught me to be an advocate for our students." Her career included working at all levels, from preschool to higher education. She was most passionate about teaching and serving in special education.

The Ginger Harris Young Endowed Scholarship is intended to be awarded to students majoring in Special Education who have a financial need. Recipients shall be enrolled as full-time students at Freed-Hardeman University during the semester or academic year in which the scholarship is used. The scholarship will be fully funded to begin assisting students at the level of $30,000. The endowment is not limited to that amount, and will hopefully continue growing for years to maximize benefits to deserving students. 

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