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Xi Chi - Meals for Makin' Music Participants

Xi Chi - Meals for Makin' Music Participants Image
Raised toward our $500 Goal
1 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 06, at 05:00 PM CDT
Project Owners

Xi Chi - Meals for Makin' Music Participants

Can you believe Makin’ Music is turning 40 this year?

This year’s 40th anniversary program will contain more shows and more on-stage fun.  The result for the students participating in MM is significantly less time in-between the Saturday shows for them to eat and to rest. 

Mid-South Youth Camp is offering to cook Brown Bag Specials for all MM participants who need to be fed between the shows.  The bags are $5 each and include 2 hotdogs, chips and a drink!

As an alumnus or friend of FHU, you have an opportunity to provide a meal for a MM participant. 

Simply select the number of meals you’d like to provide for the 2017 MM stars and support one phenomenal camp.  We can’t wait for you to come home!  #MM40

All proceeds will go to support MSYC!

Choose a giving level


1 meal for $5

Provide 1 meal for MM participants


2 meals for $10

Provide 2 meals for MM participants


3 meals for $15

Provide 3 meals for MM participants


4 meals for $20

Provide 4 meals for MM participants


5 meals for $25

Provide 5 meals for MM participants


10 meals for $50

Provide 10 meals for MM participants


20 meals for $100

Provide 20 meals for MM participants